Sick and Tired of the Sovereign Citizen Crew

John Derossett - writer

I am so sick and tired of seeing the videos pop up on YouTube of these so-called sovereign citizens. THERE’S NO SUCH THING PEOPLE! Stop listening to these assholes who are telling you that you don’t have to follow the laws of the country/city/state in which you live.

Let me give you a suggestion: Go buy an island somewhere, and declare it your own country. The STAY THERE. Don’t come back onto the mainland. Grow your own food – raise your own meat if you are a carnivore. What are you going to do for power? What are you going to do for fuel and everything else you will need that your little island cannot provide for you, but it is a moot point really. DO you know why? Because every island out there is the “property” of, or at least has to follow the laws of the country they are located in. THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS CREATING YOUR OWN COUNTRY. SO stop thinking that you do not have to follow the laws of the country, city and state or province in which you live.

Some asshole was sitting around, bored out of his tits, and came up with this sovereign citizen bullshit. Get a fucking life. Get a fucking job and stop using drugs and learn how to follow the rules that the rest of the country has to follow.